In English

Most of the content on this website is available in English. A translation of the menu to English will appear when you hold the mouse pointer over the headlines in the menu bar (Home, About, Sites, Actions, Bird species and habitats, Maps, Documentation, In English).

For mobile or tablet users (in responsive mode) mouse-over will not appear. Use links:

Om/AboutOmråden/SitesÅtgärder/ActionsFågelarter och naturtyper/Birds and habitatsDokumentation/Documentation

On most pages the English translation is found below the Swedish text, preceded by the title “In English”. The only part not generally available in English is the content under “Documentation”, such as restoration plans, monitoring reports, information materials and other documents that were only produced in Swedish.

Questions regarding the project or the contents of the website can always be addressed to any of the contacts listed on the website.